The use of firewood to protect homes from the cold is an affordable alternative over central heating. They work well and help you to hear the whole house successfully. They are fast to light up, and with them, you can effectively reduce your power bill rates.
However, when you need to keep fire logs for heating, you will find that storage is a major issue. It is challenging for most homeowners to keep their logs dry during the winter months. You must ensure that these fire logs are dry when you use them in winter. Moist logs will compromise the amount of heat that is produced.
Given below are some simple tips via which you can keep fire logs dry –
Divide the wood –
You should take all your fire logs and split them into many sections. Please do not keep them together. If you divide the logs, this accelerates the drying process, and there is a limited area of them being exposed to the air. At the same time, purchase logs that have already been spilled into sections. They will be easier to manage as they are lighter. Get them from a good supplier of firewood reliable in the market. They will ensure the firewood is divided into different sections correctly and give you high-quality wood.
Use the open air to dry them –
if the weather conditions in the region you reside in is favorable; you should use the natural open-air to dry them out completely. In this way, your firewood will dry naturally. Use good firewood cover in the form of racks to protect them from weather elements. In case you forget to cover them up when not supervised, a rainstorm might come and dampen all the logs. This will cause them to get wet again, and drying them back will be a mammoth task. However, know the correct way on how to cover firewood completely. If the whole pile is sealed, it will cause the firewood to be damp and spoil its capacity to burn fully when in use.
Stack the logs properly –
The firewood logs should be stacked correctly. If you stack them up incorrectly, they will not produce the maximum heat when burnt. It would help if you stacked the logs in the opposite direction to one another so that all of them can get the maximum amount of ventilation.
Space –
If you need to stack firewood against a shed or a wall, ensure you leave a space between them. This will give the firewood the air circulation they need. Unfortunately, many homeowners and people who stack firewood forget this crucial step. If you stack the logs against the wall, it will attract termites, and the wood will become wet. Ensure there is a lot of air circulation to ensure they remain dry and good for use before you dry them.
Therefore, when it comes to keeping firewood dry in winter, keep these simple tips in mind. They are affordable and help you to keep firewood dry with success.