SEO keywords are phrases or words that appear in the title tag of a web page. They are often used to describe a specific topic or service offered by a company.
SEO keywords are important because they determine where a user will click once he/she lands on a webpage. If a keyword appears in the title tag, then it shows up in the URL (the address) of the page. This means that the user will see it in the browser bar before clicking on the link.
However, some SEO experts say that using too many keywords in the title tag can hurt your rankings. In fact, Google has said that it penalizes websites that overuse keywords.
What is an effective number of keywords for SEO purposes?
The answer to this question depends on several factors, including:
- How competitive is the market you’re targeting?
- Do you have enough time and resources to optimize all pages?
- Is there any chance that users might be confused with too many keywords?
If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you should use fewer keywords than if you answered “no.”
Once you figure out which keywords work best for your site, keep them consistent across all pages.
Why is consistency so important for SEO?
Consistency helps search engines understand what each page is about. It also makes it easier for visitors who land on a page to navigate through the website.
For example, if you have a blog post titled “Best Dog Food For Small Dogs,” but another one called “Top 10 Best Dog Foods,” you risk losing traffic from people looking for information on small dogs.
In addition, if you change the wording on your website, you may lose ranking in search results.
Do You need To Use Exact SEO Keywords?
No, Google doesn’t want to show a bunch of irrelevant content when someone searches for something. Therefore, you don’t need to make sure every single word matches exactly.
You just need to make sure the meaning of the phrase is clear.
Here’s an example:
You write a page called “Dog Breeds.” On that page, you list different breeds of dog, such as German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, etc.
Now, you want to create a page called “German Shepherd Puppies.”
Doesn’t that sound weird?
Yes, it does. But Google understands that this is a type of breed. So, it won’t penalize you for using the term “puppy” instead of “German shepherd puppy.”
Consideration for Keyword usage:
Keywords play a vital role in the success of your online business. They help you reach more customers by directing their attention towards your products or services.
When it comes to SEO, it is very important to choose the right ones. The wrong ones can harm your efforts and lead to low rankings.
But, not all words are created equal. Some are better suited for SEO than others.
The goal of SEO is to improve the visibility of your website in search engine results. This means getting higher positions in search results and making sure your site appears whenever someone types a keyword related to your brand.