WoW has become a cult MMO RPG due to the regular release of updates, a large set of activities and professions, and an interesting confrontation system between races.
A player who is just starting to explore the WoW world is faced with a huge abundance of information, data and may absolutely not understand the criteria for character development in order to do it correctly and taking into account the current meta.
These resources can help you master content and develop your character:
- Skycoach
- WoW Fandom
- Wowhead
Skycoach is a service to help gamers. Players can purchase gold, learn how to play a character, understand pvp mechanics under the guidance of an experienced player, get guaranteed dungeon completion, and much more.
Skycoach can offer World of Warcraft gold in any quantity, which is especially useful at the start of the Dragonfly update. Gold comes from trusted sources, with no threat of sanctions from the administration. The transfer is carried out disguised as a normal trade between characters, so the transaction is considered safe and is not subject to review by the GameMaster.
Professional Skycoach players take control of the game account and upgrade the selected character to the agreed level. For the new update, the maximum level threshold will be 70. The condition for leveling a new race is the same as for other characters, except for the starting location.
The best way to understand the basics of playing for the chosen class is to order training. A professional Skycoach player will call you by voice and tell you in detail about the chosen class – basic mechanics and skills, options for selecting talents and saving the selected scheme for switching if necessary. PvP and PvE tutorial and skill differences. As a result, you will receive a set of knowledge with which you will be in demand in raids and PVP.
WoW Fandom
The WoW Fandom is a fan database with lots of accurate descriptions of every single thing in the World of WoW.
By driving in the desired skill, you will find information about the damage or effect, the cost of mana and, in some cases, life, the conditions for use and the class that can use this skill.
By driving in the desired item, you can get an exact description of the item – its cost, rarity level, method of obtaining – crafting or mining. If the item belongs to the category of quest items, that is, it is obtained as part of the task, then there will be a description of the method and conditions for obtaining the desired item and the task itself is described – where it can be obtained, the name of the NPC and the exact location of the start of the task.
For each class, there is a detailed description with the capabilities, the main use and benefits that the class can bring in dungeons, raids, PVP and farming.
For example, if you drive in a fire mage, you can find that this is an AoE class that is mana dependent and vulnerable to physical damage, but it does great with multiple targets and deals heavy damage to monsters, but is not very effective against bosses.
Wowhead is a large database of guides and information about updates to World of Warcraft.
On Vovhead, guides about new updates often appear before any other resources – how to level up and the best places, clarifications on new classes and skills.
If you search for information about the Dragonfly update and go to Wovhead, you can find ports from which you can sail to the dragon islands and the spawn point for a new race – the Draktir.
If the character has not yet tried the new update on himself, then he will have to follow a strict storyline – this mechanic only works on the first character on the account in the Dragonfly update.
There is a step-by-step guide on Wowhead, following which you will go through all 4 islands, each of which is associated with its own type of dragon – Fire, Ice, Wind and Earth. Traveling and helping explorers will take you to the capital of new islands and introduce you to the new crafting system.
If you need a guide to professions, type in the specialization in the search. Now each craftsman must choose his direction and become a master in one profile – gunsmith, armorer, jewelry master and so on. A specialist in his profile will produce unique things and will be able to remake the characteristics for different classes – a character who obtains a thing of a different class will be able to bring it to the master for alteration to the desired characteristics.
There is not much information from the players yet, but on Wovhead you can find a description of the new dragon flight mechanics, in which you have to learn how to fly and stay in the saddle and teach your pet tricks and aerobatics.