There are many benefits that you get to enjoy when you have toned arms. This, in simple terms, is the process where you improve the muscle definition that is situated in your arms. If you want to tone your arms, you will have to take a varied approach. You should improve your macronutrient intake, engage in Total Gym workouts, and later go for specific workouts that help to tone your arms.
Although lifting weights is a fantastic way to build muscle, you should never forget the power that body-building exercises offer. Using lighter weights after your main workout can help you target certain muscles in your triceps, shoulders, and biceps among other areas of the body.
Here are the 6 best arm toning workouts for starters.
1. Circles
This workout targets the back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps.
- Stand with your feet shoulder being width apart, and your arms extended to the outer sides, but at shoulder height.
- While keeping your shoulders down, start doing 20 backward arm circles. Concentrate on just small circles.
- Switch directions, and this time around, go for twenty forward arm-circles.
2. Shoulder Press
This simple exercise targets the triceps and the shoulders.
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, while holding a dumbbell on both hands.
- Bend your elbows, bringing your hands to the shoulders, palms facing the forward direction.
- Press the weights straight overhead, but restrict yourself to keeping your shoulders down. Also the lower weights back to the shoulders.
3. Triceps Push-Back
This exercise specifically targets the triceps
- Stand with your feet to shoulder being width apart, while your knees are slightly bent. Have a dumbbell in each of your hands, with the palms facing backward and arms being straight at your sides.
- Lift your arms straight back about 2 feet behind you, then move back to the sides. Do twenty reps.
4. Half-Moon Rotation
This targets the triceps, biceps, and shoulders.
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and arms straight out to sides the height of your shoulder, with fingers together and palms down.
- Rotate your thumbs back, until you have the palms facing up.
- Rotate your thumbs forward.
- At this point, do a total of 30 reps, while keeping your arms in a lifted position.
5. High V
This exercise targets the triceps and shoulders.
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding tightly a dumbbell in both hands, arms extended to your overhead in a V. Ensure palms are facing out to the sides.
- Bend elbows to the hops, with the palms facing your body.
- Press back upwards into a V.
- Do a total of 20 reps.
6. Lateral Triceps Lift
This targets the triceps.
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells in all your hands, palm facing the shoulder.
- Straighten your arm out to the side at the height of your shoulder, and then rotate to make your palm face backward.
- Lift for up to 2 inches, and then return to where you started.
- Complete 20 reps, switch your arms, and repeat the procedure.
For those who want to tone their arms, not every exercise works to achieve this goal. However, the above exercises can help every beginner to achieve that goal. However, you should start with Total Gym workouts because they help to condition all your body muscles.