Before we can discuss how brain fitness works, it would be good to begin with the definition of brain fitness. Does the brain need exercises just like the body? Remember that one has to do exercises and workouts for them to be fit and remain fit. Brain fitness has everything to do with activities that keep the brain healthy and working optimally all the time. For this reason, brain training programs are developed to ensure one can maintain and improve their cognitive abilities. When we are talking about brain fitness, we are generally referring to the principle of curiosity and variety. Variety means that one should always be looking for more challenging activities to undertake. Curiosity means that one has to ensure they are always curious about the world around them. Learn how things work and strive to understand how things work so that your brain can always be active. This improves brain efficiency as well. This is one of the reasons many schools engage in brain fitness to make people’s brains active, healthy, and engaged all the time.
We asked our friends who are into tutoring in Melbourne for some tips regarding brain fitness. So, here are some ways you can make your brain work better:
Play Games
Games are one of the greatest ways to keep your brain fit. Whether it is about filling crossword puzzles in newspapers or playing sudoku on your computer, these are well-known activities that can keep your brain challenged. Many kinds of games improve the speed of your brain. They also improve your memory. These games improve your speed and memory because they rely on word skills, logic, math, and other skills. You will also love playing games because they are fun. For better brain fitness, play games for 15 or so minutes and not hours.
Meditation is another good way to keep the body and mind healthy. Meditation also relaxes you and therefore helps relax the brain to some extent. It also gives the brain some kind of workout. With meditation, the brain is engaged in a very different way and this is a good way to increase your brain fitness.
Eat for the brain
Your brain also needs healthy foods for it to function efficiently. Some foods are known to help the brain in growth, memory retention, and such things. Fish oil such as wild salmon, flaxseed, walnuts, less saturated fats, and olive oils are some of the healthiest foods that help the brain function optimally. Omega 3 fatty acids are also known to help the brain function much better. We could say that all these foods keep the brain fit. Caffeine and antioxidants in coffee are also good for the brain.
Body Exercise is a good exercise for your brain
There are many ways physical exercise helps you to exercise the brain and keep it fit. When the body moves, the brain learns new muscle skills, estimates balance, and distance. As such, when one does general body exercises, they also exercise their brain and keep it fit. Remember that exercises are a good way to relax the body and the brain as well.