Automobiles are the most lucrative item that you can trade on craigslist boise. One car sale usually generates about $500 to $1000 in profit – the margin can be significantly higher is you know how to bargain hard and understand vehicles. Many people are absolutely making a killing buying and selling cars on craigslist and here is how you too can do the same.
Keep these 6 things in mind:
- You need to have a mechanical inclination if you are even remotely serious about making money trading automobiles. Otherwise, you will simply get ripped off or end up with a piece of junk that is absolutely useless. If you don’t already know about cars, start learning. Go to car shows, hang out with car guys, find a mentor – you may have good marketing skills; someone may have good knowledge about cars – you can forge a profitable partnership with such a person.
- Have a fixed budget: Don’t buy with your heart, use your head instead. You will come across fancy cars that you will like a lot. However, always remember that you are not in it for the cars – your primary objective is to make money. Don’t borrow money to buy cars that are way over your budget – you will get into trouble if you don’t turn a profit on that deal.
- Look for cars that are slightly above your budget and ask the seller to come down to your price. Explain respectfully that you are on a tight budget and you really like/need the car. People will drop the price if you ask nicely and gain their sympathy instead of giving them attitude.
- Gather as much information about an automobile before actually paying the owner a visit. This will help you to determine whether the car is even worth taking a look at. Ultimately, you will save a lot of time and resources that would have otherwise been spent on visits to cars that do not match your requirements.
- Never buy a car that you haven’t personally seen, unless it is from a trusted source. When you do go over to have a look at the automobile, check the underside for rusts and leaks. Some cars do not start easily so their owners warm them up’ just before your arrival – ideally, the car should start even when the hood is cold. Check the engine noise, does it rev smoothly? Are the breaks working well? Check out the bodywork for signs of accidents. Make sure that the gears fall into place smoothly. Take the car for a test drive and don’t hesitate to ask questions. An honest seller/dealer will tell you everything about the car’s service history and the amount of work it needs.
- After buying a car, give it a thorough cleaning. Sometimes, just doing this can make a car appear much smarter and valuable. Power wash the engine and touch up the bodywork. It is totally up to you how much time and money you invest in restoring the vehicle. Your knowledge of automobiles will be put to the test here.
Make sure to take pictures of the car in good lighting and put up a compelling ad on craigslist. Be as accurate as possible and be ready for people to offer you less than what you ask for. However, remain firm upon the price and only go down if you can really afford do. The key to winning bargains is to remain humble! Always ask for the money in cash! Cash is king! Now go out there and make some money!