When you get into a marriage, you get into a partnership. You and your hubby need to work together to keep your household running sanely smoothly. Sometimes, couples run into the problem of figuring out who does what.
Sadly, most times, moms get stuck with the task of taking care of the kids and keeping the house clean while their better half works outside of the home. In today’s difficult times, moms need to get a part-time job to help out with family finances. Gone are the days when most families can survive with one income. As a working mom, I know how difficult it is to juggle housework, taking care of kids and earning an income. Getting your partner to help with housework can certainly make our life easier and less stressful. Below are some tips you can apply when trying to get your mate to help out around the house:
* Look for things that you can do together or alongside each other. You not only get to spend time together but you get work done. Consider this, the pleasure of your company might make an undesirable chore more likable.
* If you need help with something specific, say so. Most husbands are willing to perform specific tasks when we are busy and they are not. If you can, ask him to do something that he enjoys, or at least doesn’t openly hate to do.
* Talk about how your day went without whining too much. Husbands often don’t see how much their wives do in one day, and this can make them think that we should accomplish more than we do. Letting them know about all of the things we have to contend with could evoke some sympathy, possibly even inspiring them to volunteer their assistance.
* If you prefer a more structured approach, assign specific chores to everyone in the house. You could make a chart that tells which chores everyone is to be in charge of. Brainstorming with your husband when doing this is necessary. If he is included in the decision-making process, he will be more willing to follow along.
* Praise him a lot when he helps around the house for positive reinforcement. Do not nitpick. Doing so will only make him less willing to help. While it’s acceptable to offer some constructive criticism, it is important to find something positive to say as well.
* Offer to help him out when it comes to his regular chores. If you show him that you are willing to help him clean his car or do the yard work, chances are, he will surely appreciate it. Then he might be more likely to offer to help you out when you are working around the house.
Getting your partner to help with housework could be effortless, or it may need some coaxing. By letting him know how hard you work to try and get everything done and asking him to do specific tasks rather than expecting him to know what to do on his own, you can often get some willing assistance. And the final result will be a neater, cleaner, and happier home.